Bibliography catalog icon

Just Between Us, From the archives of Arlan Huang, Just About Us, essay, Danielle Wu, interview Howie Chen and Arlan Huang, ©2023, Pearl River Mart (Soho), May 4- Sep 9, New York, NY, pg 133 (Reproduction)

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Voice a Wild Dream: Moments in Asian American Art and Activism, 1968-2022, curator, Kris Kuramitsu, Godzilla, OXYArts, Occidental College, Los Angeles, CA

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MAM Research 009: Imagining Justice - Asian American Art Movement. June 29 - November 6, 2022. Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan

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Only One Earth, The Flag Project 2022, Rockefeller Center ©2022 in collaboration with the United Nation's Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Climate Museum. New York, NY. April 1-May 1, pg 48.

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Primary Information, Godzilla: Asian American Arts Network 1990-2001 ©2021 edited by Howie Chen, pg. 8-9, 83, 87, 90, 100, 161, 165, 195, 227, 230, 239, 246-251, 265, 285, 394, 509, 518, 534, 550. 

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Backbone Project, Frog and Squirrel and Possum by Yoko Oji & Helen Oji ©2021

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Resistance Issue, Whetzine, Interview Reproduction pg 51-60. Oakland, CA. 2021

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Jeffrey Cyphers Wright, Lori Ortiz, LIVE MAG! Issue No.17, 2020, New York, NY

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Sabra Moore, Openings, A Memoir from the Women’s Art Movement, 1970-1992, ©Oct 26, 2016, pgs.106, 112 (Reproductions), New Village Press. New York, NY.

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Fred S. Kleiner, Gardner’s Art through the Ages: The Western Perspective, Volume II, Publisher: Cengage Learning Edition 15, Oji, Helen, Mount St. Helens, xviii preface, pg 894 (Reproduction)

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Timothy Greenfield-Sanders, Timothy Greenfield-Sanders Art World ©1999, Mark Strand, TG-S ©1999 Robert Pincus-White, “Art’s Hard Face” ©1999, Wayne Koestenbaum, Fotofolio/Artpost, Library of Congress #99-67794 

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From Basement to Godzilla, limited edition portfolio, ©1998, #35.

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The Return of The Cadavre Exquis, The Drawing Center, ©1994, (Catalog)

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The Curio Shop, The New World Order III, Godzilla, Artists Space, Feb 18-Apr 3, 1993.

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Hatch-Billops Collection, Inc., Helen Oji, Visual Artist, Interviewer: Jessica Hagedorn, Writer, Artist and Influence, ©1993, Vol. XIII, pgs. 177-183,

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Judith Tannenbaum, Interactions: Collaborations in the Visual and Performing Arts, ICA, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, May 23-Jul 7, 1991, pg. 7, 10.

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Lucy R. Lippard, Mixed Blessings, ©1987 Pantheon Books, pg. 24, (Reproduction)

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Judy K. Collischan Van Wagner, Lines of Vision, Hudson Hill Press, NYC, ©1989

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Lifelines, Here & Now, Greenville County Museum of Art, 1985, Greenville, SC, (Catalog/Reproduction)

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Dreams and Fantasies, Natural Forces - Ming Fay, Helen Oji, Paul Wong, Barry Schwabsky - catalog essay, Asian Art Institute, May 17-Jun 14 1985.

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Lynn Gumpert, The End of the World: Contemporary Visions of the Apocalypse, The New Museum of Contemporary Art, ©1983, Catalog/Text 

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Monique Knowlton Gallery, Intro by Carter Ratcliff, (catalog) ©1981.

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New Imagists, The Alternative Museum, New York, NY (Catalog/Reproduction)

Articles and Reviews

Brown-Ewens, Millen, Godzilla!: An Asian American Art World Mission, ELEPHANT, February 12, 2024 (Reproduction/Article)

Velie, Elaine, The Maverick Legacy of Godzilla Asian American Artists Network, HYPERALLERGIC, January 23, 2024

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@helllo_anna_b@alburynyc, COOLSTUFF.NYC Your weekly Newsletter

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Cohen, David, Brenda Zlamany's Mask Flags in Williamsburg, Artcritical. Brooklyn, NY. Mar 15, 2021

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Boucher, Brian, An Exhibition Dedicated to a Legendary Asian American Art Collective Have Been Cancelled After a Majority of the Artists Withdrew,, art world, (photo), Mar. 11, 2021

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Power, PhD, Susan L., Helen Oji: Envisioning Cosmic Connections, for Estrada Fine Art, 2021 (Essay/Reproductions)

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New York Times, Where Fashion Meets Art, Apr, 30, 2002 Eileen Fisher, New York, NY

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Alice Yang, Group Show at Haenah-Kent Gallery, Asian Art News, Mar/Apr 1994, pg. 94, Vol. 4 No. 2 (Review) 

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Godzilla Newsletter Vol. 1. Spring 1991

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Edward J. Sozanski, In ICA's new space ode to performance art, The Philadephia Inquirer, View, Art (review) 1991

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Helen A. Harrison, Drawing: A Term Rich in Meanings, NYTimes, Sunday, June 11, 1989, pg 30 L.I.

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Jennifer Dunning, Song of Lawino, The New York Times, Dec. 23, 1988, pg. C29.

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William Zimmer, Natural Disaster Show Offers Samples of Creative Upheaval, WC, The New York Times, Jan. 26, 1986, pg. 24, (Review/Reproduction)

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Marsha Tajima, Helen Oji, Asian American Perspective, Bridge, Spring 1985, Vol. 10, No., 1, pg. 26-27, 41 (Article/Reproduction)

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Theodore F. Wolff, World Disaster Viewed Through the Artist’s Brush, The Christian Science Monitor, Monday, Jan. 16, 1984, pg. 21, (Review)

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Grace Glueck, When Artists Portray Utopia and Armageddon, The New YorkTimes, Sunday, Jan. 15, 1984, pg. 33/35, (Review) pg.124/126

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Ronny H. Cohen, Helen Oji, Review, Artforum, Vol. XXI, No. 5, Jan 1983, pg. 74

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Ann Sargent-Wooster, Helen Oji at Monique Knowlton, Review/Reproduction, Art in America, Vol. 71, No. 1, Jan. 1983,

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Kay Larson, Fresh-Air Fun, New York, Aug 16, 1982 Vol14, #32 p.54

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Andree Marechai-Workman, Alan Kikuchi-Yngojo, Helen Oji, Stephanie Weber at The Nelson Gallery, UC, Davis, Spring 1982, Vol2, #4

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William Zimmer, Art Breakers NY’s Emerging Artists, Soho News, Special Supplement, Vol. 7, No. 51, Sept 17-24, 1980, pg. 36 (Profile)

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Kay Larson, Talkin’ Bout My Generation, The Village Voice, Vol. XXV, No. 25, Jun 18-24, 1980, pg. 36 (Review/Reproduction)

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Thulani Davis, Ms. Oji's Kimono, poem, June 18, 1980

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William Zimmer, 62 Drawings by 12 Artists, Soho News, Vol.7, No. 33, May 14-20, 1980, pg. 54 (Review)

Timothy Greenfield-Sanders, Timothy Greenfield-Sanders Art World ©1999, Mark Strand, TG-S ©1999 Robert Pincus-White, “Art’s Hard Face” ©1999, Wayne Koestenbaum, Fotofolio/Artpost, Library of Congress #99-67794